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After leaving my role at Facebook/Instagram, this was my first week fully focused on the mission of my new venture Purposeful. Spring is here, and something new is growing out of the ground. I've never felt so supported in my life. Nor have I ever felt so present. It has already been a beautiful beginning. So much of this is due to your support. Thank you, friends. 🙏

My mission with Purposeful is to liberate our creative intelligence from distractive technology. It's time to unleash the genius within us so that we can rise to the challenges of our age and live a life of greater meaning and purpose. Working with schools, parents, companies, and teams, our workshops create a dramatic shift in the relationship you have with technology from one of distraction, procrastination, and addiction to one that supports your needs, values, and aspirations. Watch my new video and please share with anyone you think may benefit from this work.

You're Invited to my next Workshop:

I'm hosting a very special workshop at The Assemblage on April 2nd at 7pm with two of my dear mentors: Melanie & Neil Kirkbride. This is the one you don't want to miss. It's a highly interactive workshop that will help you cultivate a deeper connection to your inner Self in an age when media and technology are constantly vying for your most precious resources: attention and time. We’ll learn how to harness the mindset and techniques for living life purposefully, connected to intuition and values, by cultivating a practice of simply being with your Self. Learn more and register here.

How to Be with Your Self in the Age of Distraction

7pm Tuesday April 2nd

The Assemblage NoMad

114 E 25th St. New York, NY

What's going on in your world? If you've been thinking about this topic, I'd love to know what's coming up for you. Always feel free to be in touch. I'm so grateful for your support. Thank you.

On the National Day of Unplugging, I shared a video about the mission that I’m on with Purposeful's digital well-being programs – liberate our creative intelligence from distractive technology – and give a taste what we’re all talking about at my speaking engagements the workshops and training programs that I lead. We don’t have to be victims to the technology in our lives and the business model that drives it. We have the power, the agency, the responsibility to take action starting with ourselves. It’s the first of several videos that I’ll be releasing about the work I’m doing through my company, Purposeful.

Last week at the latest Purposeful digital well-being event, over 60 people showed up to cultivate presence in the age of distraction. Events like this are an opportunity for us to combine our collective wisdom, learn from each other’s experiences, challenges, and vulnerability. I’m tremendously grateful that everyone brought all the above in full force. What an honor.

What are you up to this Saturday? I’m co-hosting an intimate phone-free gathering in a beautiful West Village home for Saturday at 7pm (details here). It'll be a cozy evening of reigniting connection to yourself and those around you in the age the distraction. Insightful conversation, meditation led by Jessie May Wolfe (founder of HeartRise Movement), and time to connect with each other in a phone free environment with snacks and non-alcoholic refreshments. It's going to be a very special gathering. I would love to see you there.

Reigniting Connection in the Age of Distraction

An evening of meditation, insight, and connection.

Saturday, March 9 at 7pm

Do you ever wish you had a healthier relationship with your smartphone, inbox, and social feeds? I’m hosting the next of my free mini-workshops “Cultivating Presence in the Age of Distraction” on February 27th that’ll help you do exactly that. I’d love for you to join me there.

For years, the first thing I’d do when I woke up was reach for my phone and let the bad news, stressful emails, and annoying notifications come streaming into my consciousness. I didn’t realize how much this habit was holding me back… until I changed it. When I took control of the technology in my life and aligned it to my values and aspirations, I completely transformed my life.

Now, I’m on a mission to help people and organizations transform their relationship to distractive tech by noticing, and adjusting the unconscious habits that lead to an unbalanced relationship with distractive technology. I have the honor of giving talks and facilitating private workshops for companies, teams, educators, and individuals that change lives. Learn more here.

This month, I’m offering a free mini-version of my program to you and your friends:

Cultivating Presence in the Age of Distraction

Wednesday, February 27, 2019 from 7-9pm

Betaworks Studios, 29 Little West 12th St, New York, NY 10004

Last time, 60 people participated and here’s what they said about it:

“Not only did it make me use tech more mindfully, but it also reminded me to stay on track with my goals.” Mira
“My time spent on my smartphone was was 40% less this week thanks to implementing some of your techniques!” - Ryan
“I’ve gone from 6 screens of ‘app chaos’ to 3 that look like this. And yesterday I turned off my phone for a whole 2 hours to write (yes I survived to tell the tale!!). Thanks for the work you’re doing. It’s so needed!” - Janice
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